Colorado College

Colorado Springs, CO

Colorado College

Colorado Springs, CO

Explore Colorado College's Featured Profiles:


Welcome to Colorado College!

Welcome to intensive learning that extends throughout and beyond the Rocky Mountain West—an exceptional location where adventure threads into each day on campus.

Welcome to a vibrant community
Our community of around 2,000 students is eager to communicate, debate, defend, think, and engage with you and everyone around them. The conversations don't stop when you leave the classroom but expand in every corner of campus as friends and peers relentlessly urge you to think outside the box, prosper, and expand your views.

Welcome to the Block Plan
Prepare to dive into your current passion in small discussion-based classes, where professors will know your name, encourage you to grow, and respect your stride. You'll take one class at a time for three and a half weeks amounting to 32 blocks of curiosity, adventure, and imagination. Master the art of balancing clubs, internships, work, athletics, community service, and adjuncts, and welcome many moments of unearthing your passions, exploring, and better understanding the world—and your individual growth.

Welcome to block breaks
Block breaks are your four days to relax, or climb one of Colorado's 54 peaks (higher than 14,000 feet), or explore the dynamic sand dunes, forests, and canyons of the Southwest.

Welcome to Colorado College. Enjoy the ride.

Colorado College: 
Your Opportunity to Try Something New

Study the stars
• Swing into Ballroom dance
• P
hilosophize on human emotions
• Create your own independent study block on the bioethical issues of life and death
• Audition for a musical
• Hike the Rockies and learn about the mountains' histories
• Learn a new language
• Join the Outdoor Recreation Committee and lead a canyoneering trip in Utah
Embraceliterary theory and conquer Ulysses in just three and a half weeks
• Connect with the earth through work on the CC farm
• Apply for a Venture Grant and travel to India to research the impacts of tourism

The opportunities are limitless.

An Inside Look