Lincoln College

Lincoln, IL

Lincoln College

Lincoln, IL

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Tuition & Fees

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Test Scores

Average freshman score by percentile.

Not Reported

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Student Enrollment
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School Facts

Founded in 1885, Lincoln College is a private two-year liberal arts college that is known for its small class sizes and personalized attention to students. It is located on a 60-acre campus in Lincoln, Illinois.

Official website Visit website
Application link Apply online
Coeducational Coeducational
Religious affiliation Other

60-acre campus in Lincoln (population: 13,816), 40 miles from Bloomington; branch campus in Normal. Served by train.

  • Campus Setting: Small town

Lincoln College
300 Keokuk Street
Lincoln, IL

Campus Life

Housing available
Students are not required to live in school housing
Students may have cars on campus
Alcohol is not permitted on campus to students of legal age

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Test Scores

Average freshman score by percentile.

Not Reported

Not Reported

Admissions Facts

Admissions interview (required or recommended) Required of some
Common application accepted Yes


Not Reported

Admissions Factors

Neither required nor recommended

Secondary School GPA
Secondary School Rank
Secondary School Record
Completion of college-preparatory program
Other Test (Wonderlic, WISC-III, etc.)
Formal demonstration of competencies
Admission test scores
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)

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Counseling services

  • Academic
  • Birth control
  • Career
  • Personal

Remedial services offered

  • Math
  • Reading
  • Study skills
  • Writing

Career placement services

Not Reported

Percent of the campus accessible to physically disabled students

Not Reported

Additional services

  • Health service
  • Nonremedial tutoring

Special programs for physically disabled students

  • Tutors

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Varsity Sports

All track combined yes yes
Baseball yes
Basketball yes yes
Bowling yes yes
Golf yes yes
Soccer yes
Softball yes
Swimming and diving yes yes
Volleyball yes yes
Wrestling yes

Intramural/Recreational Sports

basketball, dance, football, golf, soccer, softball, tennis, volleyball

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Athletic Facts

Athletic conference memberships