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Your Essential Guide to Getting Better ACT Scores

If your goal is to get the best ACT scores possible, this guide is for you. Learn about practice exams, study strategies, test day prep tips, and more!

Preparing for the ACT can be a daunting task, but with the right strategies and a positive mindset, any student can significantly improve their scores. By focusing on both content mastery and effective test-taking techniques, you can approach the test with confidence and composure. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you ace the ACT and boost your chances of getting into your dream college.

Understand the test’s structure

The ACT consists of four multiple-choice sections—English, Math, Reading, and Science—plus an optional Writing section. Each section is scored from 1–36, and the composite score is the average of these four sections. Familiarize yourself with the format, question types, and timing for each section. Understanding the structure will help you know what to expect and manage your time more effectively during the exam.

Create and follow a study schedule

Consistency is key to improving your ACT scores. Create a study schedule that allocates specific times for each subject area three to six months before your scheduled test date—then be sure to stick with it! Breaking down your study sessions into manageable chunks will help you focus on different sections each time. Consistent, focused study sessions over a longer period are always more effective than cramming all at once.

Related: So You Want a 36: How to Study for the ACT in 4 Easy Steps

Use high-quality study materials and take practice tests

Invest in high-quality study materials such as official ACT prep books, online courses, and reputable study guides. The ACT’s official website offers free practice tests and questions that are invaluable for your preparation. Also consider using apps and online resources that provide interactive practice questions and personalized study plans.

Practice tests are really your best friend when it comes to ACT preparation. Start by taking a full-length practice test to establish a baseline score. This will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. Regularly taking practice tests under timed conditions will not only improve your test-taking stamina but also help you get used to the pressure of exam day.

Learn effective test-taking strategies

Understanding the content is crucial, but so is mastering test-taking strategies. Learn how to quickly eliminate wrong answer choices, manage your time effectively, and guess intelligently based on context clues when needed. For example, in the Reading section, practice skimming passages for main ideas and answering questions without getting bogged down in details.

Focus on your weaker areas

After identifying your weak areas through practice tests, dedicate more time to improving those sections. Use study guides, online resources, and tutoring if necessary. For instance, if you struggle with math, spend extra time reviewing the harder concepts, solving practice problems, and learning test-taking strategies specific to the Math section. If English is the problem, work on your language and writing abilities. Here's a little bit of advice for each area:

  • Strengthen your grammar and writing skills: The English section focuses on grammar, punctuation, and rhetorical skills. Brush up on grammar rules and practice identifying errors in sentences. For the optional Writing section, practice writing essays on various topics, focusing on clear, coherent arguments and well-structured paragraphs.
  • Improve your reading speed: The ACT Reading section can be challenging due to time constraints. Improving your reading speed and comprehension will help you tackle this section much more efficiently. Practice reading various types of texts—such as fiction, nonfiction, and scientific articles—to become more comfortable with different writing styles and complex information.
  • Enhance your math skills: The Math section covers a wide range of topics from algebra to trigonometry. Review fundamental math concepts and formulas regularly, and work on practice problems to reinforce your understanding and speed. Don’t forget to practice using your calculator efficiently, as knowing when and how to use it can save you valuable time.

Related: How to Work on Your Academic Weaknesses in High School

Develop scientific reasoning skills

Unique to the ACT, the Science section tests your ability to interpret data and analyze scientific information. Practice reading scientific graphs, charts, and tables. Enhance your skills in interpreting scientific experiments and drawing conclusions from given data. Familiarize yourself with common scientific terms and concepts that frequently appear on the test. Since the SAT doesn’t have a Science section, doing well on the ACT can really help STEM students stand out.

Related: How to Tackle the Hardest Parts of the ACT

Stay healthy and relaxed

A healthy body and mind are crucial for optimal test performance. Ensuring you get enough sleep, eating nutritious meals, and exercising regularly are important to do throughout the school year, but it’s especially crucial when you’re preparing for the ACT. Also avoid last-minute cramming the night before the test; try relaxing and doing something enjoyable instead to keep your stress levels in check.

Take care of test day logistics

It pays to make a plan before test day. Be as prepared as possible by researching the testing location, how to get there, and what you need to bring, such as an admission ticket, a photo ID, a calculator, and snacks. Arrive early to avoid any last-minute stress. Being well prepared logistically will help you stay calm and focused.

Stay positive and confident!

Last but not least, be sure to maintain a positive attitude and believe in your ability to succeed on the ACT. Confidence can significantly impact your performance. Just trust in the preparation you’ve done and approach the test with a calm and focused mindset, and you’ll do just fine!

Related: How to Conquer Your Test Anxiety

Improving your ACT scores is a journey that requires dedication, practice, and strategic planning. By following these tips and staying committed to your goals, you can enhance your performance and open doors to exciting college opportunities from admission to scholarships. Good luck!

Planning the best time to take your standardized tests? Check out our SAT & ACT Date Wheel, featuring registration deadlines, test dates, score release time frames, and more.

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