White blonde student winking her eye, giving 2 thumbs up against pink background

Top Do's and Don'ts to Make Your College Experience Even Better

It's easy for new students to get overwhelmed by all the things that occur every day in college, but following these do's and don'ts will make life easier.

College life is not like the movies, with wild parties every weekend, spontaneous road trips, and romantic dates (unless you consider the dining hall to be romantic). There’s a bunch of that stuff, sure. But most college students spend their time hustling from class to class while running on very little sleep because they stayed up the night before procrastinating...

Anyway, as a new student (and even as an upperclassman), it's easy to get overwhelmed by all the things that occur on a daily basis on campus. But by following these do’s and don’ts, you’ll be able to make each day at college as productive and stress-free as possible.

Don't forget to use a planner

Using a planner may seem lame and something like old people do, but I cannot tell you how many times I've heard about students missing their classes or important events because of how overwhelming campus life can get. Thanks to technology and the fact that the majority of college students use a smartphone with some sort of calendar app, there is almost no excuse to not use a planner to track your commitments.

As soon as I get my class schedule at the beginning of the semester, I enter it in into my calendar app and mark those times of the day as "busy" and set reminders. I also add my other regular club activities, work schedule—everything. If a special event is coming up, I will enter that as well so I can map out my time in advance. Each night I will look at my schedule to mentally prepare for the next day’s events and make sure I have enough time to eat, relax, etc. Although this task may seem ridiculous and even a little bit tedious, I promise it will save you some stress in the long run.

Related: How to Use a Bullet Journal to Stay Organized in School

Do get academic help if you need it

I often feel like I can’t contribute to class discussions, while my peers seem to understand every concept and participate with confidence. I am the type of person who naturally thinks I can do it all alone and finds it embarrassing to ask for help. However, since coming to college, I have learned that I must set aside my own pride and earnestly seek assistance in all aspects of college life when I need it, especially when it comes to academics. After all, I came to college to be a student first and foremost.

Schools offer an array of academic assistance, from peer tutoring to professor office hours to career centers. These people genuinely want to help you in your academic career, and their resources are very much underused, so take advantage—you’re paying for them anyway!

Don’t overcommit yourself

I remember my first year of college during the activities/involvement fair, I couldn’t wait to join all these organizations and go to all their events and meetings. But I quickly learned college students don’t have the time or energy to do everything, so it’s best to narrow your activity choices down to a few that you’re really passionate about or can see yourself continuing after college. This is not high school, so you don’t have the pressure of doing lots of things to “become well rounded.” Granted, you can still sign up for info and go to the first couple meetings for the clubs that appeal to you, but you’ll soon find you need to pick a few favorites that you can really commit to and stick with them.

Related: Extracurricular Activities: The Big Secret to Winning at College Life

Do take an extra one-unit course that’s fun

Oftentimes, different academic departments will offer one-unit courses that meet once or twice a week for students who just want to experiment and learn something new, or for those who may need a few extra credits for a full course load. Many students don’t know about these courses because they’re so focused on their major or core requirements, but college is the perfect time to take that extra class to learn something totally different. Some common courses include yoga, ballroom dance, theater makeup, ballet, karate, etc. If you have the time, especially during your first or second year of college, branch out and consider taking one of these fun classes!

Don't skip out on residence life events

Resident advisors (RAs) are more than just students who live in the dorms and check up on you  to see if you’re following the rules. Most RAs will also routinely plan fun activities or outings for the whole hall to foster friendship and community. It is so helpful to know at least a few other faces in your dorm as you’re passing through the halls, and these activities are a great way to meet the people you’ll be living with for the rest of the year—so don’t skip out on all of them. The types of events will obviously vary depending on your school and RA, but some dorm activities I’ve experienced are movie nights, game tournaments, and crafting.

Do take the initiative and help plan an on-campus event

Event planning has been one of the major skills I’ve developed in the year and a half since I’ve been a college student. Through clubs and other organizations, students have the opportunity to plan various campus events, which can help you develop leadership and problem-solving skills that are valuable to any career.

Planning a campus event, especially ones that require money, allows you to practice preparing a budget, fundraising, communicating with outside sponsors, complying with school rules, and following through with the execution of the event itself. Even if you’re not an official president of an on-campus club, you can still plan an event if you have the vision! For example, I joined my roommate and a group of students last year to plan a first-ever on-campus charity event to benefit the homeless. We successfully created our own event website, sold 200 tickets, and raised $1,600 for a nonprofit started by our school’s alumnus. I encourage every student to try planning an event at least once in their college career!

Related: 6 Important Ways to Get Involved on Campus

Don’t neglect your mental health

According to a Healthy Minds survey, depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts are at unprecedented levels among college students, with 44% reporting symptoms of depression during a recent academic year. Other sources show mental health issues for college students are a growing problem. Due to factors such as stigma around mental illness, lack of education, and the simple fact that this is the first time many of us have lived alone, students often fail to recognize the symptoms and get help when they need it.

It is so important to take care of your mental health in college, whether it’s setting aside time for self-care (like exercise, eating right, etc.), satisfying your spiritual needs, or just talking with a friend about your stress. If you’re unsure how to proceed or suspect a close friend is having issues with mental health, start by talking with a campus mental health advisor (you can usually find them working at the campus health center), a trusted faculty member, or an RA.

Don’t confuse feeling uncomfortable with feeling unsafe

It is totally natural to feel uncomfortable coming to college, as you will be surrounded by unfamiliar people and situations as well as new challenges. And often, facing those things that challenge us or push us out of our comfort zones is a good thing. However, you should definitely learn to distinguish the feelings of being uncomfortable vs. feeling unsafe.

For instance, if someone says something that makes you feel uncomfortable in a group discussion because it conflicts with your beliefs, then perhaps it is wise to thoughtfully reflect on their position as well as your own. On the other hand, if someone is actively making you feel bullied, then it’s best to confide in others (including friends, professors, and/or counselors) about your experience and work to create a safe environment for you as well as your classmates. And, of course, if you’re out trying new things (which is good!) but find yourself in a situation where you’re concerned about your safety or others’ (which is bad!), you should learn to trust your gut and remove yourself from that place. College can sometimes be a hostile time for many students, so it’s best to be prepared. Every student deserves to live in an environment where they feel safe, respected, and able to continue their academic journey.

Related: 5 Thoughtful Tips to Build Better Cultural and Social Awareness in School

College life is a delicate balance between academic responsibilities and personal well-being. By following these do's and don'ts, you can navigate the complexities of campus life more effectively and make your college experience even more productive, enjoyable, and fulfilling.

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About Naomi Hong

Naomi Hong graduated from Occidental College in 2018 with a degree in International Relations and Japanese and a minor in Economics. She currently works as a concierge/front desk agent at a luxury hotel in Southern California. She's passionate about hospitality and travel and hopes to continue her career within the hotel industry. She also enjoys writing articles about career advice, studying abroad, and learning new languages. 


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Caitlin Eaton

Caitlin Eaton

$10,000 Scholarship Winner, 2021

I first discovered CollegeXpress during my sophomore year of high school while researching colleges that interested me. My SAT prep class the following year further familiarized me with the opportunities available through the organization. CX has personally helped me by exposing me to a diverse selection of schools as well as scholarships and life tips that have provided valuable guidance in my college search.

This scholarship will help me adjust to college life without worrying as much about tuition. This gives me more room to truly explore and benefit from all aspects of higher education. I plan to study Conservation Biology and work protecting species/ecosystems. I’m looking forward to getting field experience and seeing firsthand the problems research is solving.