Young Asian woman holding credit card in one hand, giving it the side eye

Understanding the Dangers and Benefits of Credit Cards in College

Credit cards: convenience or crutch? If you have one in college, it's important to know how to use it to your benefit—and not your financial undoing.

Carrying a credit card can be a definite power trip in college. You can be sitting at a table with two or three friends and when the check comes, everyone reaches into their pockets like they’re about to get electrocuted. Meanwhile, you pull out your credit card and utter three magic words: “I got it.” Just like that, you’re a star. Every eye at the table is admiring you, and it’s a heady feeling because college kids aren’t supposed to have that kind of clout.

Then sometime in the not-so-distant future along comes the credit card bill, and the memory from the restaurant is now a haunting one. You compare the balance due on the card with the balance in your bank account and suddenly realize what you should have said that night: “I don’t got it.” Welcome to the two-sided torment that is credit card usage.

The pros and cons of credit cards

On one side, there are the positives:

  • They're convenient.
  • It’s safer than carrying cash.
  • You’re covered in an emergency.
  • You have a record of all your purchases.
  • If you pay off the balance every month, they help you build a good credit score.

And on the other, there are negatives:

  • They're too convenient.
  • It can be hard to remember how much you spend until you receive your bill
  • They can damage your credit score if you don’t pay them off every month.

Related: 5 Unhealthy Money Habits to Avoid Developing in College

Using a credit card responsibly

The truth is that credit cards can be an important asset for college students, especially those who have gone away to school. The real issue at hand is the same as it is for anyone else carrying a credit card: Can you use it responsibly?

According to a survey by U.S. News & World Report, more than 67% of college undergraduates have a credit card in their own name, and 46.1% have credit card debt—27% of whom say their debt exceeds $2,000. That’s a significant number that can be truly limiting, especially as recent grads tumble into postgrad life with student loan debt and entry-level jobs with relatively low pay.

The 2009 CARD Act requires students under 21 to show they are capable of paying for a credit card on their own or have a creditworthy cosigner. That typically is a parent, who can set rules on when and where to use the card, place a credit limit on it ($500 is a good starting point), and demand that the balance is paid off every month. If all the rules are followed, the student is on their way to responsible use of credit. If not? A ton of debt will be waiting.

Maintaining a good credit score

It's incredibly helpful—and oftentimes necessary—to maintain a healthy credit score. Using a credit card responsibly is a great means toward that end. But it takes precious little to mar that record, such as a single late payment, and you can undo years of careful planning with just one or two financial missteps. That's why it's essential to know your finances, know how to use your credit card effectively, and know why these things matter in the first place. Life after college is tough enough. You don’t want to carry thousands of dollars of credit card debt or anything close to that into the next phase of life. It can destroy your credit score and make it difficult to get car or home loans after graduation.

Related: Financial Learning: Why Does My Credit Score Matter?

Whenever you pull out your credit card, make sure you’ve got enough in your bank account to cover whatever you’re about to charge. In other words, when the check comes and you say, “I’ve got it,” be sure you’ve really got it.

Looking for easy ways to bulk up your bank account? Check out all the money-saving advice on CX!

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About Bill Fay

Bill Fay is a writer for, focused mainly on news stories about the spending habits of families and government. He spent 21 years in the newspaper business and eight more in television and radio, dealing with college and professional sports, then seven forgettable years writing speeches and marketing materials for a government agency.


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