Black student sitting with head down, hands on neck, next to backpack on campus

How to Recognize and Prepare for a Life Crisis in College

Going through a life crisis can feel isolating and overwhelming. Use this advice to recognize and prepare for major life-disrupting events in college.

Your college experience can be a truly enriching time that offers opportunities to gain academic knowledge and grow personally. But that doesn’t mean it will always be easy. Occasionally, crises may arise in different areas of your life. How you manage these experiences is key to reducing their impact on you and your progress in college. But don’t worry—we’re here to guide you through a few key measures so you can learn how to navigate difficult periods effectively.

Recognizing a crisis

Let’s face it: Managing a crisis isn’t easy if you can’t recognize what’s happening until you’re deep in the weeds of it. This isn’t particularly unusual for college students, as good crisis recognition often comes from having lived through a few of them. Nevertheless, by getting to know common types of crises and the early warning signs, you can empower yourself to act effectively.

Personal crises

Personal crises come in various forms. They could be related to difficulties with family, friends, and romantic relationships. Health issues may also trigger a crisis in your personal life. Some early warning signs of personal crises include disrupted sleep patterns, appetite changes, and difficulty concentrating. You might also have behavioral changes, such as becoming more agitated, aggressive, or withdrawn.

Academic crises

Naturally, college-level work is very different from what you were used to in high school. Students who find themselves struggling with this transition or influences from other areas of their lives may find themselves in academic crises that impact their progression. Your grades dropping can be an early sign, of course. However, others include gradually reduced participation in classes or lower attendance. Some people also find they’re less likely to ask for help from professors or advisors because they’re experiencing academic disengagement.

Unique crises

These are far from the only types or early signs of crisis, and many will be based on your individual experience and personality. Nevertheless, take a little time regularly to just check in with yourself about how you’re feeling and what’s happening in your life. This is key to spotting both common and individual signs. When there are changes, ask yourself what may be influencing these and how you can address them.

Related: A General Guide to Mental Health Awareness for Students

Preparing yourself effectively

Understanding the early warning signs of a crisis is a good start. That said, you might still struggle if you’re simply reacting to a crisis on the fly. This tends to add even more stress as you navigate the situation. Instead, establish preparatory measures to create a solid foundation for your well-being should things go awry.

Identify your resources

Take some time to identify resources that could help you manage difficult situations. For instance, some crises—such as health, academic, or housing issues—can lead to unexpected costs. Resources that might help mitigate such challenges include emergency funds and lines of credit.

Saving a small amount each month for emergencies can be more flexible, allowing you to use the money in a range of crises, but most students don’t have enough spare cash to make this kind of nest egg. Lines of credit, on the other hand, can be good for when you have medical bills or need to purchase unexpected items, but this can also leave you saddled with debt and interest. It’s essential to research the availability of each option and how they might impact you before you start making arrangements.

Build your support system

Something else you need in place prior to a crisis is an effective support system. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you need to face any crisis on your own. Going it alone can be more stressful, not to mention that other people are a great source of both emotional and practical assistance.

Make a point of identifying which friends and family members are suitable for certain crises. Those with the most empathy are likely great candidates for personal challenges, while those with specific professional experience may be useful for financial, legal, or housing issues. For academic crises, try to find out which faculty members and administrators are best to approach. Make the most of your professors’ office hours by arriving prepared to discuss your concerns. You’ll find that more people are willing to help you than you may realize, so be sure to get to know who you can rely on to be in your corner.

Related: How to Make the Most of Your Academic Advisor

Managing difficult experiences

So a crisis is happening: You’ve recognized the early signs, and you have some good preparation in place, which is excellent. What now? From here, take a measured approach to managing the situation to empower yourself to take decisive action and find a way through. Here are a couple key elements that can help in your management.

Communication skills

No matter your crisis, staying silent rarely helps. Communicating with others about what you’re going through gives you a chance to gain some extra help or advice. Even just saying what the issue is out loud can feel like a massive weight off your shoulders. Do this as early as possible in a manner that’s most comfortable for you. A lot of people find it difficult to express their feelings or admit that they’re struggling. Write a text message, send a voicemail, or ask someone to meet you in person—just make your situation known to those who can help.

Attention to self-care

Most crises aren’t likely to be resolved immediately and will take a while to navigate. To ensure you are mentally and physically equipped for the long haul, you must prioritize self-care. Doing so is vital to taking care of your mind. Delve into your hobbies and distract yourself from your stressors. Introduce positive affirmations and mantras into your routine, because being kind to yourself is crucial.

In addition, you can do a lot of stress-reducing activities at home. A short yoga session each day—particularly incorporating the tree pose and child’s pose—helps relieve stress and boost mindfulness. Journaling and other creative pursuits are also great for expressing your feelings and gaining a sense of catharsis.

Related: 8 Healthy Stress Management Tips for Students

Crises at college needn’t have long-term negative effects on you or your future. You have the power to recognize, prepare for, and manage difficult times in ways that both help you get through the immediate issue and grow as a person. Even after navigating a crisis, take some time to reflect on the situation and how you can learn to do better in managing any crises that may crop up in the years ahead.

College campuses are always prepared to help you with both personal and academic crises. Learn where to turn in your time of need with these 5 Great Campus Resources Students Should Know About.

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About Amanda Winstead

Amanda Winstead is a writer from the Portland area with a background in communications and a passion for telling stories. Along with writing, she enjoys traveling, reading, working out, and going to concerts. If you want to follow her writing journey or just say hi, you can find her on Twitter.


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