White male student in green sweatshirt asleep surrounded by books and coffee

How to Combat Sleep Deprivation for Better Academic Success

Sleep deprivation and insomnia are no joke. If you're a student struggling with academics because of sleep, here are some tips to adjust your habits.

Failing to get enough sleep can hamper your academic progress and undermine your overall health as a student. Between studying hard, hanging with friends, building your résumé, and stressing about upcoming tests, you’re more than likely burning the candle at both ends. Unfortunately, sleep deprivation comes at a cost. A few nights of poor sleep will leave you fatigued and irritable, making it difficult to concentrate in class. And don’t think you can make up for it with coffee and energy drinks in the short term. Sleep deprivation is serious and could even cause you to fall ill or develop mental health conditions. Let’s look at the effects a lack of sleep can have on your academic success in high school or college and what you can do to combat it.

Sleep and academic success

Sleep is the backbone of effective studying. Without enough rest, you’re unlikely to retain information and may find that you struggle to interpret questions on a test or major project. Getting quality sleep aids your studies by:

  • Improving memorization: REM sleep (aka deep sleep) is when you process and structure the information you receive during the day. A long, deep sleep is therefore the perfect way to improve your retention.
  • Supporting basic functioning: If you’ve ever pulled an all-nighter, you’ll know how everyday activities can suddenly become a chore. REM sleep is also necessary for feeling refreshed the next morning. This is a must if you’re a student, as you need to be mentally sharp to achieve your academic goals.
  • Regulating your circadian rhythm: If you have morning classes but are constantly shifting your sleep schedule, you may oversleep or choose to skip, and your attendance may start to plummet. This is a problem if your courses are attendance based, as you need to be on time and present to succeed.

Related: How Important Is Sleep to Academic Success?

The consequences of sleep deprivation

A cross-sectional study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) found that 26.4% of college students experienced insomnia during a typical semester. Furthermore, 75% of students reported occasional sleep disturbances, and 60% reported getting poor-quality sleep and less than seven hours of rest per night. These circumstances leave students at a greater risk of developing other mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety.

The symptoms of sleep deprivation

If you suspect that you’re struggling with sleep deprivation, you should seek a support service to receive the guidance you need, whether that be on campus or in your community. Medical intervention can make a world of difference if you’re struggling with insomnia, and many health services are well trained to handle the sleep-related struggles you may be facing. This is crucial if you’re currently experiencing some of the consequences of poor sleep, which include:

  • Poor academic results
  • Impaired mood
  • Compromised ability to learn new material
  • Increased risk of accidents

Working with a trained health care professional can help you identify other lifestyle factors that may be making you tired all the time. For example, you may be suffering unknowingly from sleep apnea or a thyroid disorder. A health professional can also help you reconsider your dietary choices to maximize your energy levels and explore iron or vitamin D deficiencies. Once you’ve recognized these issues, you can start tackling your poor sleep schedule by taking targeted measures to improve your sleep quality.

How to improve your sleep quality

Once you’ve identified the root cause of your poor sleep, you must take proactive steps to improve sleep and increase your hours. Experts like the CDC suggest that students should get at least seven to nine hours of sleep per night if they’re in college, and eight to 10 hours if they’re in high school. You may need more if you’re a student-athlete and need to recover from difficult workouts too. Here are a couple of key ways to create a sleep-friendly environment that will aid your efforts to get enough shut-eye every night.

Manage the light in your room

You can take proactive steps to improve your sleep quality by controlling the amount of light entering your room when it’s time for bed. Light controls your circadian rhythm, making it one of the most important external factors for high-quality sleep. Keeping your room dark around bedtime ensures your brain releases melatonin and keeps you asleep for four to six sleep cycles. You can improve your light management by:

  • Creating a bedtime routine that phases out bright lights and screens, including putting away your phone an hour before bed so your brain can properly adjust
  • Choosing warm, yellow lighting over bright, white lights to improve melatonin release
  • Using dimmers that automatically adjust the lighting as it gets closer to bedtime

Moderate the room’s temperature

You also need to control the temperature in your room if you want to consistently get a good night’s sleep. The ideal temperature for sleeping is between 65–68°F, as your body’s temperature naturally drops as you start to fall asleep. Failing to reduce your core temperature could interfere with your restorative slow-wave sleep and make you prone to waking up during the night. You can improve your temperature control by:

  • Taking a warm shower or bath before bed to encourage your body’s cool-down response
  • Setting your AC on a timer that brings temperatures down as nighttime approaches
  • Investing in seasonally appropriate sheets, bedding, and pajamas

Following these sleep hygiene protocols makes it easier to fall asleep and increases your chances of staying asleep all night. However, if you’re still struggling with insomnia and restlessness, you should speak to a medical professional who may be able to suggest changes to your routine or prescribe medication if necessary.

Related: Top Sleep Hygiene Advice for Tired Students

Sleep deprivation is a major issue for students and their academic success. Failing to get enough rest undermines your academic performance, detracts from your relationships, and may lead to mental health issues like depression or anxiety. Rather than ignoring the signs of fatigue, start taking proactive measures to improve your health. Put in the effort to create a sleep schedule that works and will empower your efforts to get the most out of your education.

If stress is a major contributing factor to your sleep problems, consider picking up some new healthy habits with Our Best Advice for Dealing With Stress as a Student.

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About Amanda Winstead

Amanda Winstead is a writer from the Portland area with a background in communications and a passion for telling stories. Along with writing, she enjoys traveling, reading, working out, and going to concerts. If you want to follow her writing journey or just say hi, you can find her on Twitter.


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