Older Hispanic woman with short black hair smiling at camera, holding laptop

Scholarship Opportunities for Adults Returning to School

Adults returning to school may assume there are no scholarships for them, but that's not true! Here's how nontraditional students can find money for college.

I was recently asked by a family if it was too late for their high school senior to pursue scholarships. As George Eliot once said, “It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” I love sharing with families that it’s never too late to start a scholarship pursuit—even if you’re an adult going back to school. There are scholarships open to students at every age, grade, and certification or degree level. Despite this information being available to scholarship seekers, many people assume scholarships are only for high school– and college-aged students. One specific category of scholarships that’s often overlooked is scholarships for nontraditional or adult students. 

A little bit about private scholarships

Private scholarships from companies, organizations, individuals, and foundations recognize that creating a scholarship can drive brand or mission awareness. A scholarship is also often an opportunity for a company to connect with future followers and consumers. Local radio, newspaper, and television outlets love to mention scholarships offered from businesses or mention the recipient when the award is advertised. With all these benefits to scholarship creation, awards for all types of students will continue to rise, including those for adult students. Seeking out these channels for scholarship opportunities is key to finding the money you may need to return to college. 

Related: 3 Questions to Ask as You Look for Scholarships

Great scholarship opportunities for adult students

The following are some examples of scholarships for nontraditional and adult students that you should take advantage of if you’re planning on heading back to school soon. 

Boomer Benefits Scholarship

The Boomer Benefits Scholarship is designed for students ages 50 and up who are returning to school to finish their degrees. Students who demonstrate a passion for service to others—particularly service to older Americans—are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants must write a letter describing their current career goals and how higher education will help them achieve those goals as well as their community service history and what it has meant to them. Two $2,500 scholarships are awarded annually, and the deadline is August 27.

Margaret McNamara Education Grants

Margaret McNamara Education Grants are awarded to women who intend to work in or with a developing country to improve the lives of women and children. Applicants must be at least 25 years old. With awards of up to $15,000, recipients can pursue travel to Latin America, South Africa, and Canada. Deadlines for applications fall in September or January, depending on your travel plans.

E-waste Scholarship

The E-waste Scholarship is open to high school students in grades 9–12, undergraduates, graduate students, and adult/nontraditional learners. There is no age limit, but applicants must be US citizens or legal residents and are required to write about e-waste and digital responsibility. The award is $1,000, and the application deadline is April 30. 

How to find scholarships for adult students

Key search words and phrases you should be using to find scholarships for adult students include:

  • “of any age”
  • “no age limit”
  • “including adult students” 

Lastly, adults seeking scholarships shouldn’t limit themselves to opportunities that specify open age criteria in their description. Many scholarships—especially at the undergraduate, graduate, or post-graduate level—won’t ask for any information about the applicant’s age. 

Related: How to Expand Your Reach and Find Scholarships in Hidden Places 

Ultimately, adults who are striving to earn first or additional degrees or certifications have many more scholarship opportunities available to them than they realize. It’s never too early or too late to start a scholarship pursuit. Continue searching for scholarships as often as you can to make your post-graduate debt as low as possible.

Find other great scholarship opportunities based on your personal interests, area of study, and more using our Scholarship Search tool

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About Jean O'Toole

Jean O’Toole is an educational consultant and author of the bestselling book Scholarship Strategies: Finding and Winning the Money You Need. Over the past 15 years, she has helped tens of thousands of students in the United States. Individuals collectively have been awarded millions of dollars by applying Jean’s scholarship strategies. In 2008, Jean co-founded Connections101, a company specializing in providing motivational tools for scholarship searching. It is her goal to empower students to design their paths to their future without college debt. Visit Connections101.com for more information, and follow Jean on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


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High School Class of 2019

CollegeXpress has helped me by opening my eyes to new opportunities. I learned about such easy ways to get financial help to achieve my dreams while also learning about myself and who I truly am. I know this isn't a very long explanation of what CollegeXpress has done for me, but nonetheless, I believe it's crucial to how I developed as a person throughout my time as a college student.

Jada Bohanon

Jada Bohanon

High School Class of 2021

CollegeXpress has helped me find scholarships for the colleges I applied to. It was very hard for me to find scholarships in the beginning that I was qualified for. My teachers recommended this website to find some, and not only did I find some scholarships but I also got to look into some schools I hadn’t heard of before. I was very happy to have discovered this website, especially with the coronavirus spreading all over as I can’t really go visit many colleges.

Jeff Parsons

Jeff Parsons


Thank you so much for this valuable information about these opportunities. I truly appreciate the CollegeXpress communications and use them to keep my high school seniors informed about their opportunities!

Dani York

Dani York

High School Class of 2022

CollegeXpress helped in my journey by comparing multiple colleges for my final decision. While looking at different colleges, I was able to compare the tuition expenses and that landed me with the college that I’m currently enrolled in, Western Kentucky University. Thank you!



High School Class of 2023

Being a sophomore in high school, I never really worried about college. I thought it wasn't important to worry about until senior year. Through this program opportunity I came across, I realized how important it is to start looking at colleges early and start planning ahead. CollegeXpress has opened my eyes to what colleges require, what colleges are near me, and what they offer. The daily emails I get from CollegeXpress really help me look at the different options I have and what colleges I fit into. Without this website, I would not be taking the time out of my day to worry about what my future will be nor what opportunities I have. I could not be more grateful for such an amazing and useful website. It's thanks to CollegeXpress that not only me but my family now know how much potential I have in to getting into these colleges/universities that we thought were out of my reach.