The college search process can be bittersweet. New opportunities intermingle with leaving the old and familiar behind. But one thing is certain: everyone planning to go to college will experience excitement—and frustrations. Here are a few reasons why searching for the right college is the best, plus a few reasons it makes us all groan.
Why the college search process is amazing
The college search process is unique to each student, and you can really make it your own. Here are all the reasons the admission process is amazing and why you should fully throw yourself into the excitement of it.
It's up to you where you spend the next four years
Growing up, no one has much say in where they live. Love it or hate it, there isn't much you can do about it. When it comes to college, it's a whole other story. If you truly love a certain state or climate, you can focus on schools in those regions. For example, if you dislike cold weather there's no reason to go to college in a snowy area. On the flip side, if you love where you live and want to be near family, you can choose to apply to schools close to home. Picking a place you are excited about makes the prospect of the next four years exponentially more exciting.
Related: 4 Key Ways to Find Your College Fit
You can pick a school that fits your learning style
Much like you can’t choose your childhood hometown, you probably don’t have much of a say in your high school. And high school can be difficult for some students if their teachers present material in ways that don’t really work with their learning style. However, there's no reason why college has to be like this. Not a big fan of lectures? You can look for colleges with more hands-on programs or study abroad opportunities. Want more face time with your professors? You can attend a small school with an even smaller student-faculty ratio. Or if you enjoy immersing yourself in a single topic at a time, you might consider schools with block plans, where you study one subject for three weeks at a time. College is your chance to make the most of the educational experience.
You get to explore new places (and maybe take a few trips)
Travel can so much fun, and the college search process gives you an opportunity to visit and tour beautiful college campuses. Whether it's a trip to your state school or a school across the country, you're bound to see something new or unexpected. Some schools will even let you stay the night in one of their dorms. Anything that allows you to safely get out of your comfort zone and experience something new is a worthwhile venture.
Why the college search process is a struggle
With every positive comes a negative to balance things out, and while the college search process is exciting, it can also quickly get overwhelming and stressful. Here are a couple of things to be prepared for as you dive into your search and application steps.
The sheer number of schools makes narrowing down your favorites tough
With so many choices—there are over 4,000 four-year colleges and universities out there—how do you know which school is right for you? You can read through every 2,000-page guide on the best colleges in the United States and still be at a loss. Every college says they're the best, but how do you know which is the best for you? With endless opportunities comes endless choices and often endless confusion.
Related: How to Narrow Down Your College List
Trying to pick a school is difficult when you don't know what your major will be
Figuring out how to turn your passions into a career is immensely difficult. If you're someone who has known what they'll study in college since they were six years old, good for you! For those of us who are 16 and still don't have a clue, it isn't so simple. It's difficult to narrow down your school options based on majors when you don't know what yours will be. Thankfully for us all, college is a time to make mistakes and figure out what we want in life.
Figuring out if you like a certain learning environment when you've never experienced it is tough
The college experience is notorious for its giant lecture-style classes. Some people love them and some people hate them. But how do you know where you stand when you’ve never experienced large lectures before? Most high schools aren't large enough to give you a taste of lecture learning. The same dilemma exists for small-group, discussion-based college classes. It's difficult to know if you enjoy talking about topics for days at a time when you're told to be quiet in most high school classes. Thankfully, many colleges offer a day on campus where you can sit it on classes and see if they're your cup of tea.
Related: Big or Small? How School Size Affects Your Public College Experience
At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that nothing worthwhile comes easy. But we can all find comfort in knowing that while college is a leap into the unknown, it's a leap we take together. Best of luck in your search!