
20 articles tagged with "hobbies"

5 Great Recommendations for Books by Black Authors

Even when Black History Month is over, Black culture should keep being championed. Here are five great recommendations for books written by Black authors.

Senior Assistant Editor, CollegeXpress

Commit to Extracurricular Activities for Better College Admission Chances

Extracurriculars are an important part of your college applications, but you should focus on quality over quantity. Impress colleges with these top tips!

Co-founder and President, One-Stop College Counseling

10 of the Best Colleges and Universities for Coffee Lovers

Coffee is the fuel that gets students through college, but some places are better than others with options. Here are 10 great schools for coffee lovers!

Founder, CoffeeUrban

Role-Playing Games Can Make You a Better Student

Role-playing games aren't just for preteens in their parents' basements. Check out the real-life ways games like D&D can help you build life skills.

Freelance Writer

How Many Extracurriculars Should I Participate in to Impress Colleges?

Turns out you don't need to join nine clubs to stand out to colleges! Our experts explain why you shouldn't stretch yourself thin when it comes to activities.

by and

In This Together: Ideas for When You Need Cheering Up

What can you do when you're feeling down during the coronavirus pandemic? Here are some ideas from real students to help brighten your day.


5 Great Book Recommendations for Social Distancing

With all this extra time on our hands, now is a great time to dive into some really good books. Here are our recommendations whether you're a bookworm or not.

Senior Assistant Editor, CollegeXpress

3 Easy Ways to Pursue Your Passions in High School

Figuring out what you love should happen early in your academic career. Here are three helpful ways you can start exploring your interests in high school.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

How to Turn Your Hobbies Into Scholarships With Ease

Where there are hobbies and passions, there are scholarships! But how do you find them? Let's break down the process and how to win more of these awards.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

Do Admission Counselors Consider Extracurricular Activities?

When planning for college, good grades and high test scores are important. But what's just as important are activities outside the classroom.

by and

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