
6 articles tagged with "faith"

Making Faith a Part of Learning at a Non-Religious College

Faith is an important part of many students' lives. If you're attending a secular college as a Christian, here's how to incorporate religion into your learning.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

The Impact of the Pandemic on College Mission Trips

The pandemic has majorly impacted students' ability to go on mission trips around the world. Here's a look at some COVID challenges and where we go from here.

President, Bethany Global University

From Stressed to Blessed: How to Find Time for Your Faith as a Student

If you want to carve out more time for spiritual life while in high school or college but don't know where to start, here are some helpful suggestions.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

How College Expanded My Perspective on Religion and Faith

Being exposed to different religions at college was a new and eye-opening experience for this student, changing the way she saw the world and her faith.

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Morehead State University

What Major Factors and Questions Should I Consider in My Christian College Search?

Your faith may be a big factor in your college search. Here's some expert advice on what to ask about and look for in a Christian institution.


How Does Campus Life Differ at a Christian College?

While most colleges offer students a chance to explore issues of faith, a Christian college incorporates that process into their curriculum and sees that it is an obvious part of life on campus.

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