college academics

199 articles tagged with "college academics"

6 Ways to Develop Critical Analysis Skills for the Classroom

Critical thinking and analysis are skills you'll use throughout your life. Here’s how to hone them to improve your academic and professional experience.

Managing Editor,

Academic Ethics: How to Avoid Plagiarism and Cheating

Academic dishonesty doesn't just hurt you now—it can affect you long into the future. Let's explore the ethics of academics and how to avoid cheating.

Managing Editor,

5 Unexpected Reasons to Become a Tutor in College

Tutoring other college students teaches you valuable skills and a lot about yourself and others. Find out all the great reasons you should become one here!

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Vanderbilt University

3 Amazing Benefits of Becoming an Academic Tutor

Looking for a way to help other students, improve your own skills, and maybe even make some money at the same time? Consider becoming an academic tutor!

CollegeXpress Student Writer

Majoring in Architecture: Learn How to Build a Great Future

Architecture may not be a common degree to pursue—but it's rewarding! Here's what to know about considering a major in this field and how to get admitted.

Architect and Director of Marketing, Microsol Resources

Our Best Advice for Choosing a College Major

Ready to explore different academic fields? Declare a major? Change your major? Create your own? Here's everything you need to know about college majors!


4 Unique Study Techniques for When the Usual Tricks Fail You

Sometimes it takes some creativity to get out of a study rut! Try these four unconventional methods to make studying a little fun and a lot more effective.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

10 Cool Virtual Camps High School Students Can Join Over Winter Break

Winter academic camps are unique opportunities to boost your résumé for college. Check out these 10 great programs that could transform your winter break.

College Counselor and Tutor, Moon Prep

9 Simple Steps to Creating an Ideal Study Space

Having a great space to get work done can increase your productivity and improve your academic performance. Here's how to create your own study oasis!

CollegeXpress Student Writer

Helpful Tips for Better Attention and Focus in the Classroom

We all struggle to focus sometimes—students especially. Whether you're in high school or college, use these tips to stay attentive and learn more in class.

Freelance Writer

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